Saturday 10 January 2015

74: Making Change

Find the positive, seek it out
Hold it in sharp focus and give thanks for it
Do this often.

Now look for the synchronicity
What have you learnt today?
What piece of information
Crossed your path today with perfect timing?
Which key to solving a seemingly
Intractable problem were you given today?

Think about the people you met
Trawl through the conversations you had
Mine for that golden nugget of information
That clue, that opportunity
That will lead, who knows where?

Did you turn down an invitation
In favour of the familiar or the comfortable?
Can you guarantee the outcome
If you had said yes to something new?
You cannot, and that is where the magic lies
Say yes and give the Universe permission to change your life
Magic happens when you make room for it.

Do something positive to change your life today
And the Universe will join you in creating that change.
Try something new and experience the unknown.
Look for the positive
Find and appreciate the positive
Act and expect the positive.

Lady Satellite

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