Sunday 27 December 2015

225: Letter to a Poet

I love it when time is taken to shape words into thoughts
I hope the writer finds it therapeutic, as I do of course
the rhythm and the rhymes
become the focus of my mind
as I play with the words
the thoughts appear quite unobserved.

Truth sneaks out when not held back
when the constant conscious effort to restrain goes slack
as I push all my energy into beautiful word connections
raw emotion does not suffer its usual untimely rejection
and so it seeks freedom of expression and reaches for the light
bubbling freely with abandon a true reflection of what is real and what is right.

What cannot easily be aired when head is pounding and eyes are red
will surface effortlessly when the barriers are unmanned
and the words can frolic around without some grand restrictive plan
the mind plays tricks and clouds the simplistic brain
seeking to forget and smother all the pain
the truth is fettered along with love and all reality
I need these escaping words to say painful things and give me sanity.

My mission, let’s be clear
is love and never fear
to open the door and watch the monsters run
to feel relief as their terrorising shadows melt and die in the sun
then I know my fears were some insubstantial vapour
never to be given the power of the hand held upper.

Thoughts can be a deceitful slippery slope
one covered in black ice, where you really need a rope
not to hang yourself high and hasten death
but of love to haul you higher so you fly gracefully with each breath
come let us soar like those wedge tail eagles paired for life
trusting in a wind they cannot see
but whose existence gives them flight.

Lady Satellite

Saturday 26 December 2015

224: The Itch

Oh the desperate urge to scratch
as my traitorous hand creeps slowly towards my back
I watch it move with military stealth
as I am enveloped by the pestilent pull of my oh so itchy shell.

But it cannot be
it must not be allowed
the resistance will win this war
no matter how wildly this torture makes me shout.

No! That skin is sacred
were it any other I wouldn’t care
and would claw my flesh for pleasure
risking red welts and scratches there.

But no! That spot is anointed
I will not give in for short term bliss
that is hallowed ground
where my story is displayed
and I will not compromise it for an itch.

That art is the start of my journey
a visual expression of my whole
and I will not scratch
where the needle stitched the ink permanently into my soul.

Lady Satellite

223: Pleasure Seekers

Aquamarine and turquoise blue
glittering sunlight, invites me and you
two sleek black bodies
slide into warm wetness
gliding beneath, seeking coral gardens at depth.

Show these lovers your treasures
as they glide through your world
enraptured with the pleasures
of colourful life at every turn.

As nature frolics, so they shall observe
careful to witness, never disturb
then as they rise and smile at the sun
they laugh and play chase, like seals having fun
they spin and embrace, those two that are one.

Lady Satellite

221: Mistress Pain

Integrate or disintegrate
that’s what I have to do.
Shine the love on the fear
and melt it away,
can’t live with black ice, my dear.

I understand, I feel your pain
but do I want to face it again?
As adrenalin surges
the blood rush urges
‘Get out! Run away! It’s not safe!’

Is loving enough?
When times get rough
as you fight your inner demons
will you change?
First show me a little
then with safety comes more
as you seek the familiarity of pain.

Will I leave through that door
pushed unwillingly by your core
but what if my love is stronger?
Will you jump into her arms
be embraced by her charms
will Mistress Pain take you in the long run?

Lady Satellite