Wednesday 3 June 2015

201: Conversation with the Wind

Wind on my face
I greet you;
hair lashing my cheeks
I thrill to be alive
and feel your movement
unfettered, free
as am I.

Today, we are kindred spirits
playful, mischievous
full of life and fun.
Today, I want to dance
in your eddies
turn quickly and then run
to the fence
where the leaves are caught
and I will brace myself
against the rail
while you assail me
and make my clothes snap taught.

In the sunshine I adore you
as you hold me, in this place;
come the night a different story
as you terrorise my mind with sound.

I am fickle just like you.
Fear and darkness
go hand in hand,
kindred spirits no more
as you stalk this night time land.

Lady Satellite

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